Pre-race, post-crime mug shot taken by Western States 100 Police Chief, Greg Soderlund. (I stole an extra packet of Green Foods dried wheat grass from the race expo tent, and was busted by Scottie J, who was working undercover.)
Quick and dirty:
I just flew home last night after a whirl-wind 6 day trip, part of which included running 78 miles of the WS 100 race. I spent Sunday evening through Tuesday finding a place to live in Vallejo or Benicia, and I am toasted. Sorry for the lack of correspondence.
In a nutshell, hats off to Hal Koerner and Anita Ortz for running smart races. I am especially impressed with Anita's race. For us entering our 40's, she is yet another piece of evidence that your running does not have to "go downhill". Here is Colorado there are ample numbers of master's elites winning races in running and biking. That said, given time to train next spring 2010, I will be back to run Western States.
Physically, I am worse for wear with a head and throat cold, but I have fine spirits about the entire experience. Much was out of my control as far as my condition starting the race, so what's the use in dwelling over it. I could have had it way worse; Scott was running with plantar fasciitis. Hats off to him for giving it a go.
Thanks to Mark Richtman for his remarkably patient pacing on Cal Street. He was a pleasure to hang with on that section as I stumbled ever step. Dan Brillon was a excellent travel companion and teammate; sorry you didn't get to pace the last 20. Devin, Tom, Christina, Dean and Otis were fine crew, and Vicki Richtman too. Peter Franks made the trip from Phoenix just to see the race and solo crew Dusty Corners and Duncan canyon. Thanks you guys!!
I will post a full report on the Team Pearl Izumi-Smith site this week. I promise.